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About TQEE

Our Coalition

TQEE is a nonpartisan coalition of Tennesseans fighting to ensure our children get the quality early education they need to power our state’s future.

Our coalition includes leaders from a diverse array of industry sectors, locally elected and appointed officials, and many parents and grandparents, educators and caregivers from across our great state.

We know that building a strong early education foundation, birth through 3rd grade, is the key to academic achievement, workforce success and economic prosperity.

Our goal is that all 3rd graders are proficient in reading and math – with at least 75% there by 2025.

What do we do?

  • We develop sound, evidence-based policy solutions with proven strong returns on investment.
  • We directly educate and lobby political leaders at our state capitol and run issue campaigns.
  • We mobilize advocates and help amplify their voices so they are empowered to hold state government accountable.

TQEE is strictly nonpartisan.

Our funding comes from the private sector – we do not accept government funding. Donations range in size from $5 to $325,000.


Our Structure

As a legal matter, Tennesseans for Quality Early Education (TQEE) is a combined effort of two related non-profit, nonpartisan organizations – TQEE and TQEE-Policy & Research.

TQEE-Policy & Research is a nonprofit organized under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It conducts research and policy analysis, raises public awareness, builds coalitions and educates Tennesseans about smart and effective policies and programs that improve early childhood development and education outcomes.

TQEE is organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. It engages in grassroots and direct advocacy with policymakers to support crucial legislation at the state level.

Our Priorities


High-Quality Early Learning Environments


Physical and Mental Health and Development


Supported and Supportive Families and Communities