Tennessee’s Child Care Crisis is an Economic Crisis
As Tennessee and other states nurture the reopening of their economies, a growing child care crisis poses extreme challenges for working parents and employers. With many school systems remaining closed this fall and nearly half of all child care centers now
Parents Scramble as Child Care Teeters on Brink of Collapse
Child care has always been vitally linked to economic productivity. Working parents need child care services to support their efforts to earn a living for their families and provide a stable, nurturing environment for their precious children. That the national and
U.S. Chamber Makes the Business Case for High-Quality Child Care
In its publication, Workforce of Today, Workforce of Tomorrow: The Business Case for High-Quality Child Care, the U..S Chamber of Commerce Foundation does one of the best jobs we've seen of articulating the case for state investment in affordable, high
TN Dept. of Human Services Offers COVID-19 Assistance to Families
To help Tennessee parents serving essential workforce roles during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Human Services (TDHS) has established payment assistance and network of temporary care locations to make child care services free during the state’s emergency order. Tennessee workers
Funds Now Available through TN Dept. of Human Services for affected persons and child care businesses
The Tennessee Department of Human Services announced the availability of funding for COVID-19 affected persons and child care businesses. Cash Assistance for People: The Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) is making essential financial resources available to families that have been
Despite Recess, Early Learning Policies Make Progress
TQEE proposed our most robust policy agenda at the start of 2020. Legislation to expand pre-k, increase high quality child care seats and address unspent TANF funds progressed through the committee process. Those bills remain poised for action by the
Mayor Jeff Griggs – Lexington, TN – On Early Education, PreK and Child Care
Jeff Griggs, Mayor of Lexington, TN was a welcome supporter at this year’s TQEE Day on the Hill. He joined dozens from across the state advocating for legislation that will provide our children with improved early education. Mayor Griggs echoes
A Bold, Urgent 2020 Agenda for Early Learning
We released our 2020 legislative agenda today! It's bold, and urgent and needs your support! From expanding PreK, to setting a new course for affordable, quality child care, to doubling down on early literacy programs - the stakes are high! Read the
Tennesseans believe early education is key to ‘right track’ for public education
New poll of Tennessee voters shows overwhelming support for policy proposals to improve early learning outcomes birth to third grade. In the current partisan environment, Tennessee Republicans and Democrats often agree on very little. But when it comes to education, they’re
$1 Billion and Change
How could this be? Why didn't Tennessee policymakers know? What should we do with all this money? Those are questions being asked in response to a recent report issued by the Beacon Center, a conservative Tennessee think tank. In October Beacon