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Early Home Visiting


Tennesseans for Quality Early Education is excited to join forces with partners across the state to launch Loud Voices for Little Kids – a campaign driven by advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, early educators, business leaders, parents and concerned citizens dedicated

Happy week of the young child everyone!   The Week of the Young Child® is an annual celebration sponsored by the the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) 50 years ago to celebrate children 0-8 and their families. Watch this

Take a step back from the compelling financial return on investment of evidence-based home visiting (EBHV) policy to study the true impact of this vital program through the lives of Tennessee children. While home visiting boasts a remarkable $5.70 positive return

How could this be? Why didn't Tennessee policymakers know? What should we do with all this money? Those are questions being asked in response to a recent report issued by the Beacon Center, a conservative Tennessee think tank. In October Beacon