Bright Start TN Data Dashboard

Measure Of Success

Healthy Birthweight

The major indicator for this measure of success is the percent of babies born weighing less than  2500 grams (5.5 pounds).

Learn more about the strategies and research rationale associated with Healthy Birthweight.


  • Hover over any Bright Start TN region to display the major indicator as well as a breakdown of the data.
  • Click on any region to isolate the data to the counties in a specific Bright Start TN region.
  • Click above the bar chart to sort the data by county of birthmother or by % of low birthweight babies.

Statewide Average for Tennessee: 8.9% of babies born are low birthweight babies.


  • The demographic (race/ethnicity) breakdown tables are only available by health region (not by county).
  • Race (Black/White) and Ethnicity (Hispanic/Non-Hispanic) are reported separately and are NOT mutually exclusive.
  • Any data not displayed in the table is not available from the source.


Got questions?  See something that needs to be updated?  Let us know! We can be reached at

Data Source:

Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Vital Records and Statistics

Data Year:

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