Bright Start TN Data Dashboard

Measure Of Success

Regular School Attendance PreK – 3rd Grade

The major indicator for this measure of success is the percent of children chronically absent during preschool and the early grades (K-3)

Learn more about the strategies and research rationale associated with Regular School Attendance PreK – 3rd Grade.

Chronic Absenteeism is defined by the Tennessee Department of Education as missing 10% or more of scheduled school days. This data set is disaggregated by grade, race/ethnicity, students with disabilities, English language learners, economically disadvantaged. Bright Start TN regional and school district level data are available.



  • Hover over any Bright Start TN region to display the major indicator as well as a breakdown of the aggregated regional data.
  • Click on any Bright Start TN region to isolate the data to the school districts in the specific Bright Start TN region.
  • Sort data by name of school district or by % of total students chronically absent.
  • Click on any school district in the table to isolate the data in the table to that specific school district.
  • Use the ‘Grade’ drop down menu to isolate the data to a specific grade (the default is all grades PreK – 3rd).

Statewide average for Tennessee: 12.8% of all PreK-3rd grade students were chronically absent in 2021-2022.


  • Any data not displayed in the table is not available from the source.
  • Blue bars represent districts with the Bright Start TN Network.


Got questions?  See something that needs to be updated?  Let us know! We can be reached at

Data Year:
2021-2022 School Year

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