Bright Start TN Data Dashboard

Measure Of Success

Safe at Home

The major indicator for this measure of success is the rate of investigated/assessed child abuse or neglect.

Learn more about the strategies and research rationale associated with Safe at Home.


  • Hover over any county to see the major indicator.
  • Click on any county in the map to isolate the data for the county.
  • The same data is available as a bar graph below the map.
  • Click above the county list in the bar graph to sort alphabetically or by indicator.

Statewide average: In 2019, across TN, the rate of investigated/assessed child abuse or neglect is 52.8 (per 1,000 children in general population).

Rates for counties with less than 1,000 children are not available from the source.


Got questions?  See something that needs to be updated?  Let us know! We can be reached at

The secondary indicator for this measure of success is the rate of first time victims per thousand children.


  • Hover over any county to see the secondary indicator.
  • Click on any visible county in the map to isolate the breakout data in the charts below.

Statewide average: In 2019, across TN, the rate of first time victims for children under age 9 is 3.86 (per 1,000 children in general population).

Rates for counties with less than 1,000 children are not available from the source.


Got questions?  See something that needs to be updated?  Let us know! We can be reached at

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