Bright Start TN Data Dashboard

Measure Of Success

Skilled and Knowledgeable Parents

The major indicator for this measure of success is the percent of parents with children under age 9 reporting sufficient knowledge of child development and parenting skills.

Learn more about the strategies and research rationale associated with Skilled and Knowledgeable Parents.


  • Hover over any region to see the major indicator.
  • Click on any region in the map to generate the breakdown of parent survey questions below the map.

Statewide average for Tennessee: 89% of families with children under age 9 report sufficient knowledge of child development and parenting skills.

Zogby Analytics was commissioned by TQEE to conduct a new survey of 2,507 Tennessee parents with a child under age 9. The survey is large-scale, new (administered June 23, 2022 through August 1, 2022), and has a sampling frame that matches the Tennessee demographics (race, age, family size) for households with a child under age 9, labor market conditions in Tennessee (earnings, sector of work), and regional populations. Based on a confidence interval of 95 percent, the margin of error for the 2,507 surveys is +/- 2.0 percentage points. The regional analysis is based on regional oversampling.

The parent survey questions were adapted from three national parent surveys measuring protective factors.

  • I know normal behavior for my child(ren)’s age level.*
  • I know how to help my child(ren) learn.**
  • I feel positive about being a parent/caregiver.***
  • I know where I can get helpful information about parenting and taking care of children.***

Responses: – Never, Very Rarely, Rarely, About Half the Time, Frequently, Very Frequently, Always

*OPEC Parenting Skills Ladder.– added “I” to the front for consistency and adapted to 7 point scale from Protective Factors Survey

** Protective Factors Survey

*** Parents’ Assessment Protective Factors, but adapted to 7 point scale from Protective Factors Survey)

A composite score was developed to determine the % of families reporting frequent knowledge of child development and parenting skills.

Northeast TN includes the following counties: Carter, Cocke, Greene, Hamblen, Hancock, Hawkins, Johnson, Sullivan, Unicoi and Washington

West TN includes the following counties: Decatur, Dyer, Hardeman, Haywood, Hardin, Lake, Madison, McNairy and Weakley


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Data Source:

TQEE Parent Survey

Data Year:

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