Evidence of High-Quality Pre-k Value Grows

The evidence of the value of high-quality pre-k has always far exceeded reports that pre-k is not effective. That trend continues with the release of a study by Nobel Prize-winning economist, James Heckman, detailing the benefits of high-quality pre-k that extend into adulthood. And because high-quality is essential to sustained pre-k benefits, Tennessee’s Voluntary Pre-k program is continuing to improve and school districts, both urban and rural, are adding pre-k classrooms. Below, you can take a look at the Heckman study and the state preschool report from the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER).

Columbia Daily Herald: State Funds Add 2 Pre-k Classrooms in Maury

www.heckmanequation.org: Perry Preschool FAQs

www.nieer.org: State Preschool Yearbooks 2018


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