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High quality teachers impact lives. We see it everywhere from the most advanced academic studies all the way down to the look on a child’s face when that child begins to learn. May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week and something we always need to remember is that teachers should feel valued for all of the ways they are a positive force in

Backed by compelling data and amazing personal success stories, Tennessee Senator Steve Dickerson and Speaker Pro Tempore Bill Dunn are advancing an important solution to help parents develop the skills they need to give their young children a great start in life: increasing the state’s investment in voluntary, evidenced-based home visiting.     Home visiting professionals visit families in their homes to coach parents

You have probably noticed we talk a lot about home visiting. That's because it works! Unfortunately, even though the evidence continues to show the benefits of evidence-based home visiting, less than 2% of eligible Tennessee children have access. Put another way, of Tennessee's 95 counties 45 do not have any type of home visiting program, any most that do have programs

Tennessee’s city and county mayors are lining up in support for stronger early childhood education programs. More than 60 mayors from across Tennessee have joined TQEE's mayors coalition. The group recognizes that high quality early education is a dynamic, strategic force able to positively impact individuals’ life-long learning, employment and earnings potential.  “It is a fact of life that to attract good paying

Spring is a welcome season here in Tennessee with the budding of new flowers and the emergence of warm weather. The season is typically filled with delight for young children as they participate in egg hunts, picnics, and outdoor play, as well as relishing baskets of goodies with plenty of chocolate! The season is also a perfect time to optimize your

TQEE Policy Director, Lisa Wiltshire, is our expert on early education. She's a former kindergarten teacher, previous director of the Office of Early Learning at the Tennessee Department of Education, and a graduate of the prestigious Bank Street College of Education. While expert, Lisa is always learning, and we along with her. Here are a few news pieces and a book

Each year, as part of its mission to help foster good child development in at-risk situations, Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee (PCAT) honors three caregivers -- one in each of the state’s grand divisions. This year, the "Unsung Hero" awards went to three outstanding women who have gone "above and beyond", and we're excited to tell you about them. Wanda Newman, Mountain City. During her

Of all the education investments where Tennessee has seen a positive impact made with public funding, one with the most promise may be early literacy coaching in child care. The state’s child care landscape is a hodgepodge of mixed providers with frontline personnel having varying degrees of experience and ability. Teaching jobs often pay less than positions in the service industry, so

March Madness is behind us for this year but boy what a season! Hats off to Virginia for staying the course and finishing strong. The season finish was a testament to hard work, perseverance, and teamwork. It was also a testament to good coaching and unrelenting practice, which offers a parallel to excellent teaching. Tennessee has staked a claim to significantly increase

Early literacy and math are among the greatest predictors of future academic success. That fact can be troubling when one considers that only 34% of Tennessee 3rd graders are proficient in literacy and only 40% in math. But here are a few Tennessee-based examples of  people and communities making a difference in early learning. Enjoy and have your heart warmed! Darlene