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In education, teachers are where the rubber meets the road. Simply put, teaching is the number one contributor to student achievement. The work of early grade teachers is especially critical to help kids establish a strong learning foundation that enables them to continue strong learning and achievement into third grade. Student proficiency in third grade is a vital determinant for every student

The founding of an Early Education Caucus in the Tennessee General Assembly has created a lot of "buzz" around the state. Both caucus founders and community leaders have expressed their support for the caucus and their hope that sound early education policies are the product of the members' work. Here is just a sampling of the genuine interest in this initiative:

When a child shows up on the doorstep of a Tennessee school for the first time, there are many factors already at play that will influence how that child will perform. In Chattanooga, a diverse group of about 40 civic organizations have banded together in a community-wide campaign to raise awareness on early childhood development and make get children be school-ready

We took our case for kids to the Hill. Tennesseans for Quality Early Education (TQEE) conducted our first “Day on the Hill” in Nashville on Feb. 6. More than 100 TQEE advocates from across the state — teachers, early education program directors, parents, mayors, business people — directly engaged with Tennessee General Assembly members to advocate for: • Excellent Pre-K • Better support for

Let’s face it, parenting can be difficult and getting a child prepared to attend school can be a challenge, even under perfect circumstances. For these Oak Ridge families, pre-K was a valuable advantage in getting their kids ready to be learners. Within this group, impediments to speech and hearing compounded the usual challenges of early-years education. For Jerry and Jerri Amonette’s daughter, it

How does Pre-K impact the lives of the children and families that participate? A group of Wilson County parents recently wrote letters to Lebanon Special School District leaders with their enthusiastic description of how the experience has advanced their children’s development and prepared their children to succeed when they attend kindergarten. “My kids attending her class drastically impacted every part of [our

About two minutes into a conversation with Lenoir City Schools teacher and Preschool Program Director Melody Hobbs, you start to realize how much she has invested in learning how preschoolers work. “I love the four-year-old mind. I mean, it's not three and it's not five. Right?” Hobbs says with a laugh. “I mean, it's just so … four. They're naturally inquisitive, they're

We found this great article from PBS and thought you'd appreciate the useful tips and info - including how to make a gratitude jar! According to the Harvard University Healthbeat, “Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.” For young children, gratitude looks like consistently saying “thank you” to others, making thank

Sometimes a picture says a lot. Hunter is building a tower out of colored blocks with his mom and his friend Tevri at home. It’s a photo that was years in the making, in part because of his involvement in one of Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee’s most successful development programs.  The "I did it" badge he's wearing reflects the confidence and accomplishment

TQEE congratulates Bill Lee on his election victory and stands ready to work with the new governor and the Tennessee General Assembly to improve the state’s public education system. “Throughout the campaign, Bill Lee expressed a commitment to prioritize education for the success of our citizens and communities, and we are excited to work with him to build a plan that starts