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We're excited to share with you the compelling findings from our 2nd annual statewide poll of registered voters. The big headline from the survey is that Tennesseans overwhelmingly and enthusiastically believe that investing in expanded quality early education birth through third grade is a solution to address current deficiencies in our public schools and put the state and its students on

In tennis, a strong serve and return game is fundamental for success on the court. "Serve and return” is also the term scientists use to describe the positive adult-child interaction vital for optimal human brain development. In the first few years of life, a child’s brain is the most impressionable, forming one million new neural connections every second to create the “wiring” that

Itzel is protective of her mother today, forgiving her with words even though she didn’t have the easiest childhood. “My mom didn’t know any better and she definitely didn’t have anyone to turn to,” she says. Itzel’s mother called her names and made her daughter feel unwanted and unloved. It’s tough to grow up strong when you are neglected and told that you

Last week a group of Chattanooga leaders, including Mayor Andy Berke and U.S. Representative Chuck Fleischmann, along with TQEE coalition partners from business, law enforcement, military, nonprofit and faith communities, held a summit at the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce titled “Caring for Young Victims of the Opioid Crisis”. The purpose was to highlight the epidemic’s growing adverse impact on parents and

This year’s legislative session has concluded, and with the help of our many coalition partners and friends TQEE had great success advancing our legislative priorities.  Below is a short wrap up.  Please share with your colleagues and friends who may be interested, and be sure to sign up to join TQEE if you haven't already, to ensure you continue to get news and

Charles Lampkin, a father of five, suddenly found himself as the sole parent of his five sons, with four of the them under the age of five. "I moved to Memphis from New York for a job and I did not anticipate being a single father, but those things happen and wound up with a 3 year old, a 2 year