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What is Reading 360? Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a third of Tennessee’s 3rd graders were reading on grade level. To help tackle this crisis, the Tennessee Department of Education dedicated $100 million to an initiative called “Reading 360” to help school districts, teachers and families help struggling Tennessee students learn to read. Read more about it in The Tennessean. Reading 360 is

New report details adverse economic impact on parents, businesses and taxpayers Prior to the pandemic, child care was a growing crisis for families and our economy. Fast forward to today, Tennessee’s working parents of young children continue to struggle to find and afford child care. For Tennessee employers the situation is likewise acute, with the child care crisis exacerbating the state’s workforce

Following the release of the 2022 Nation’s Report Card by the National Center of Educational Progress (NAEP), which showed declines in student achievement nationwide and in Tennessee, Tennesseans for Quality Early Education issues the following statement from President and CEO Blair Taylor: “The 2022 Nation’s Report Card unfortunately highlights what we already knew – the COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on

Tennesseans for Quality Early Education (TQEE) has announced the appointment of Rebecca Lofty Woods as vice president of government relations. In this role, Woods will serve as the organization’s chief lobbyist and work closely with Tennessee state legislators to help advance policies that support Tennessee children and their families. “We are thrilled to welcome Rebecca to the TQEE senior leadership team,” said Blair

Halloween offers a perfect opportunity for parents and caregivers to engage with children in imaginative play. That’s why we’ve thoughtfully compiled a list of costumes for your family to try this Halloween (or any time of year, for that matter)! These picks include something for everyone and can be adapted based on the size and makeup of your family.

The state of Tennessee is seeking public feedback on the Tennessee Child Care Task Force’s Interim Progress Report. In particular, they are soliciting input on child care access, affordability, quality and governance/regulation. Public comments will be accepted via a survey submission form until 4:30 p.m. CT on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Responses will help inform the work of the Tennessee Child Care Task

Tennesseans for Quality Early Education is excited to join forces with partners across the state to launch Loud Voices for Little Kids – a campaign driven by advocacy groups, nonprofit organizations, early educators, business leaders, parents and concerned citizens dedicated to advancing children’s success in the early years. The campaign aims to educate Tennesseans about early care and education policy priorities,

Following the Tennessee Department of Human Services’ announcement that it has increased child care reimbursement rates by 20 percent for providers participating in the Child Care Certificate Program, Tennesseans for Quality Early Education issues the following statement from President and CEO Blair Taylor. "We applaud the Tennessee Department of Human Services for increasing child care reimbursement rates so significantly. This is a huge

Momentum continues for early care and education  Tennessee saw some great wins for early education in the 2022 legislative session. The Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (TISA) In the biggest win for Tennessee children this session, the Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement Act (SB2396/HB2143) passed, updating the K – 12 public education funding model for the first time in 30 years. Alongside an

The second year of the 112th Tennessee General Assembly ended last week, and we’re proud of what we achieved together on behalf of Tennessee’s littlest learners. THANK YOU for creating a powerful movement to make early care and education a priority for Tennessee policymakers. We are inspired by the momentum we’ve gained. Here are some shared victories worth celebrating: The Tennessee Investment