Remember the paper and pencil world? The vast majority of child care providers still operate there, missing out on the tremendous advantages technology can provide.
For example, many have yet to avail themselves of the opportunity to collect tuition through the use of an online payment system. But today, according to a 2017 AITE study, 69 percent of millennials pay bills either online or with direct debit, and 52-percent of millennials never write checks.
Imagine how useful a software solution would be in tracking family records – immunizations, authorized pickups, and allergies are just a few that come to mind.
Find out more about how technology can be a game-changer for child care providers when we post our blog soon.
In the meantime, check out the other posts in our Solutions Series. Let us know what you think and if you know of other solutions!
BLOG 1: Fixing the Child Care Crisis: Introduction
BLOG 2: Government Resources Available to Fix the Child Care Crisis
BLOG 3: Share Services Networks: A Smart Solution for Growing More Affordable, High Quality Child Care
BLOG 4: How Technology Can Be A Game Changer for Child Care
BLOG 5: Business Strategies for Supporting Employee-Parents