The founding of an Early Education Caucus in the Tennessee General Assembly has created a lot of “buzz” around the state. Both caucus founders and community leaders have expressed their support for the caucus and their hope that sound early education policies are the product of the members’ work. Here is just a sampling of the genuine interest in this initiative:
- Senator Dolores Gresham and Representative Mark White, Johnson City Press: Early Childhood Education Needs Inspire New Tennessee Legislative Caucus
- Michael J. Halstead, Williamson Herald: Boosting early education vital for future workforce
- Jason Gonzales, Tennessean: Newly formed lawmaker group takes aim at improving Tennessee’s early education system
- Jackson Baker, Shelby Countians in New Early Education Caucus
- Chairman Kemp Conrad and Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Daily Memphian: Legislators in Early Education Caucus address crisis in student performance
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