Bright Start TN Clearinghouse


Strengthening Families Program (SFP)

What is it?

The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is a parenting and family skills training program for high-risk families. The program focuses on reducing child maltreatment, children’s problem behaviors, alcohol and drug abuse, and improving school performance and family skills. Families learn how to establish stable and loving relationships, set clear and firm boundaries, and parents learn how to monitor their children’s behavior. The entire family attends the program and practices the skills together as a group. 

What is the evidence base?

Children that participate in SFP demonstrate a reduction in alcohol and drug use, and problem behaviors, and enhance their social skills and peer relations. Parents that participate in SFP increase their parenting knowledge and exhibit a reduction in parental depression and social isolation. Altogether, SFP enhances family cohesion, adaptability, communication, and sibling relationships. 

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