Bright Start TN Clearinghouse


The Family Check Up Model

What is it?

The Family Check Up Model is a family-centered intervention that aims to address children’s behavior challenges by promoting positive parenting strategies. The program includes two phases. Phase one consists of a child and family assessment and feedback session conducted by the program provider. Phase two involves parent management training, which involves behavioral intervention strategies such as positive parenting, limit setting, and parent-child relationship building. Follow-up interventions include family counseling and connecting families to additional support services. Sessions are tailored to address the individual needs of children and parents. Family Check Up is typically conducted over a course of one to four months depending on the needs of the family. 

What is the evidence base?

Parents in Family Check Up show improvements in positive parenting practices, such as warmth, praise, responsivity, scaffolding, and involvement in their child’s academic development. Participating mothers are less likely to develop maternal depression. Children in Family Check Up demonstrate improvements in academic achievement and externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. 

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